Computers are just my type of thing


HackRF Portapack

This is an SDR (software defined Radio) that can recive and transmit radio waves

Where I learned all about Radio Frequencies, ADS-B, Signal Jamming, Rolling codes and Replay attacks.

I instaled Mayhem Firmware on it with an sd card, this would be the first time I used the comand prompt


I learned various terms like JBOD, ZFS, MetaDATA, RAID configurations, Ceph, NIC and SFP+

This is my favourite Project so far it makes me feel like a sytem admin evey time I log on the web UI. This was my first introduction to servers even though I started consuing content about them for about a year. This task was not so easy I faced many errors that almost made me give up I tried many differnt softwares but this one realy shined


This is my newst and best project so far, still a work in progress but equiped with a Ryzen 5 9600x I chose it because its on the AM5 platform 6 Cores and in the many reviews I watched this one had the best price to performance and was exactley what i needed nothing more nothing less. Now GPU, well it was originaly planed to have an AMD 5600xt as I purchased it in Leeds a few months before it was at the cheepest price there and my plan was to upgrade in maybe the summer becase the new 5000 series GPUs lanch but unfortunetely this arrived home defective, so currently Im running integrated graphics, ill see what AMD has to offer and choose from there I want a gpu mainly for experementing with AI althogh I love gaming I get 200-500 FPS In the games i play the most but there is some games that make me want to upgrade more that I know for a fact It currenty can run. RAM, Im running 32GB of DDR5 6000MT plain and simple.